María José Alcayde got her degree in Chemical Engineering at the Institut Químic de Sarrià (2000). Her research activity has been focused on chemical analysis and characterization of pictorial, artistic and archaeological materials and the cleaning and stabilization of metals by cold plasma treatments.

In Preventive Conservation, she has done some research in methods for the evaluation and quantification of environmental pollutants in showcases, in museums and historical buildings, as well as their interaction with heritage objects and artworks.

Nowadays, she is a PhD candidate in nanotechnology for conservation of heritage, specifically, synthesis and evaluation of consolidation products compatible with mineral supports and mural paintings. Her Doctoral Thesis is supervised by Dr. Salvador Borrós.

As a member of the GRÀPAC-CETEC patrimoni (Centre de Tecnologia per a la Conservació del Patrimoni), she has worked in several projects in Conservation of Heritage, as well as in the creation of the “Atlas of materials pathology” ( This project has been supported by UNNIM Obra Social.

She is a researcher of the Research Project Magistri Cataloniae MICIN HAR2011-23015 since April 2013.


VERDAGUER, J.; ALCAYDE, M.J.; “Descobrint i interpretant la matèria. La policromia de la pintura sobre taula romànica catalana segons els exemples de Puigbò, Ribes, Espinelves i Lluçà”, Pintar fa mil anys. El colors i l’ofici del pintor romànic, ed. M. Castiñeiras, J. Verdaguer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2014. [PDF].